In as in INclusion

SIPE and Inclusion
The team "In as in INclusion" Vision.
Working together at transnational level will bring a diversity of creativity and associated competences that enrich the European belonging. Summarily, with this project we intend to:
- Share practices at an international level;
- Find out the most significant strategies and pedagogies to establish inclusion and participation in any school context;
- Create a booklet with good practices of inclusion that it´s understood and replicable in cultural diversity at European level;
- Create moments of sharing that allow the intercultural sharing of the participants in the project;
- Find a creative way to approach problems;
- Improve the inclusion level of students in educative context in the European Union;
- Improve the acquisition of new inclusive concepts;
- Understand the practical applicability of the experiences learned in real context;
- Make available materials for improvement of student’s inclusion and participation;
- Improve each and every one student’s participation in educative meaningful contexts;
- Make learning become more interesting and attractive for every student;
- Incentivize teachers to integrate new methodologies and strategies in classrooms and other educational context;
- Create a booklet with the shared experience of each partner institution;
- Create a training planning regarding the inclusion of each and everyone.
You can see our project in the page bellow:
Projeto ERASMUS+ "In Partnership for Promoting Successful Inclusion in a European Perspective - IN as in INclsuion"